Download Anthemion Software Jutoh PLUS 2.40 + crack

Download Anthemion Software Jutoh PLUS 2.40 + crack

Easily create ebooks in Epub and Kindle formats: publish on any ebook distribution site, including Amazon's Kindle, Apple's iBooks, Google Play, Kobo, and more. Your readers can use Kindles, iPads, iPhones, Android tablets and phones, Macs and PCs. You can also create PDFs suitable for sending to print-on-demand services.

-Jutoh supports paragraph and text formatting. You can add custom paragraph styles to the built-in styles, and you can specify custom CSS for each style (or the whole style sheet) if required. Define keyboard shortcuts and favourites to quickly apply styles to your document.
-Jutoh exports to Epub, Mobipocket (if the kindlegen application is available), ODT, HTML, and text. Epub and Kindle cover the majority of distributors, including Amazon, Apple, Nook, Kobo, and Google Books.
-Jutoh generates Epub 3 as well as Epub 2. Epub 3 features supported by Jutoh include Epub 3 metadata, the 'landmarks' section, semantic markup such as the epub:type attribute and section tag, audio narration using SMIL files, text-to-speech annotation, audio and video tags, forms and various HTML5 tags. JavaScript code can be specified in a section document's properties or, in Jutoh Plus, separately in resource documents.
-Jutoh creates OpenDocument Text (ODT) files complete with page styles for different sections of your book, allowing for different headers and footers in different parts of the book. It can also export a full table of contents with both hyperlinks and page references, and footnotes and alphabetical indexes will also be exported in the native ODT format. Using an application such as the free, you can quickly convert the ODT to PDF suitable for printing, viewing online or sending to a print-on-demand service.
-Jutoh can create MP3 files or read text from the current document using Windows SAPI, Apple Speech Manager or a variety of external helper programs (CereVoice, Cepstral and eSpeak). Jutoh supports creation of multiple lexicons with industry-standard PLS output or inline pronunciation substitution; tools for detailed speech markup are provided. Jutoh's Speech Archive file format lets you send your marked-up documents as small files that the recipient can turn into audio files using the Jutoh demo.
-Jutoh imports from a range of formats. Import from DOCX, ODT, plain text, HTML, or an existing Epub ebook. (Note that complex CSS style definitions may not be preserved when importing from HTML or Epub.)
-Jutoh has extensive support for bitmap images, including specifying conversion format and quality, and image size (dynamic within the ereader and also static resizing on compilation). Jutoh can convert absolute sizes to percentages so your images scale to the different display sizes.

o1 - Unpack the release into a directory of your choice
o2 - Run the installer and install it
o3 - Generate a key for unlimited trial, but buy it if you will use it
o4 - As always, make sure to have a firewall to block outbound connections