Download Listary Pro Version 4.23.1727 (with crack)

Download Listary Pro Version 4.23.1727 (with crack)

Listary is a unique search utility for Windows. Not only does it make file browsing truly flexible -- thanks to its multi-file managers support -- but the ultra-compact UI also redefines minimalism. The lightweight design doesn't stop it from providing various advanced features however, that may fit the needs of both casual and power users alike. All you have to do is just type the file name that you’re looking for, and Listary will display the search results at breakneck speed.

Most people find it hard to keep their files and folders well organized, and thus, if a directory contains a large number unmanageable items, it can become problematic to find a particular one from the list. Moreover, nobody can remember the names of all the files and folders that are stored on their PCs. This is where Listary’s Find As You Type comes to the rescue.
This feature is designed to recognize suffixes, prefixes, or any part of the item’s name, which means when you begin typing a file name, the results are instantly shown next to Listary’s search box. This comes incredibly useful when performing some guess work in order to reach your desired item by typing a few alphabets related to its name. Hence, multiple results start appearing at the exact moment when you start punching keys on your keyboard – all in real time. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select an item from the displayed results. This feature works both under the file managers and open/save file dialogs.

So how does it work, you might ask? Let’s suppose you have a directory labeled as Assignments in your computer and it carries some important items that you frequently need to access. Now, if you add Assignments to Projects, you can quickly search its files or folders via simply typing ‘Assignments (space) item’s name’ without first opening the directory. For example, you may type ‘assignments task1.doc’ (without the quotations) to instantly search the task1.doc file. Simple as that! But since Listary is designed with user convenience in mind, you can also type the file name rather than inputting the directory label first. For instance, you can type task1.doc, task or tas – so there are multiple possibilities.
Adding a project is quite simple, actually. You just need to assign a keyword to the directory by opening that directory and typing ‘proj’ (again without quotations) in Listary. If you just type proj, the folder’s name is automatically set as the default keyword. However, Listary does make it plausible to assign keywords of your choice by typing ‘proj your-own-keyword’. Similarly, keywords can also be managed from Projects tab under Listary ‘s Options window. You can create multiple projects if you like.